10+ photos of animals having a worse day than you. It’ll make you scream with laughter!

Today, you feel like the world is going against you.

You’re late for work, and the keys have just fallen into the drain hole. What a terrible day!

But, you are still lucky because many animals are definitely having a worse day than you.

Below, we’ve gathered images of animals who had a worse day than you. These images will prove that you are not alone in having a bad day and will make your day feel more comfortable.

Scroll down and enjoy it!

This dog just got arrested for chasing a deer…


This squirrel has just loosened his house

Think a squirrel fell off my roof


It hurts!

What the heck are you doing?

My buddy’s dog saw a moose

“I told you it was cold outside.”

Your dog opens the window during a car wash.