10 tough men who didn’t want “a damn cat” – now they can’t live without them

Having a pet is among the most fun, exciting, and heartwarming experiences! They become an additional family member to laugh, argue, play with and rely on to get through difficult times.

But beforehand, it may be hard to imagine how attached you will get, especially to a cat, since they are both independent and affectionate at the same time.

Here we have gathered 10 men who were really opposed to getting a cat but now can’t live without their furry friend.

1. “Before I got my kitten, my boyfriend said he didn’t like cats. Now I have been demoted to “Princess #2”

Image source: Reddit

2. “My girlfriend’s dad doesn’t like kittens so he says, looks like she won him over”

Image source: Reddit

3. “Boyfriend says he does not like kitties. I think he is full of shit”

Image source: Reddit

4. “He didn’t want a cat”

Image source: Imgur

5. “He didn’t like cats either”

Image source: Imgur

6. “My boyfriend said he doesn’t like cats. This is him now”

Image source: Imgur

7. “No, I don’t want to hold a kitten”

Image source: Reddit.

8. “My dad never wanted a cat, and look at him now”

Image source: Reddit

9. “My dad, who hates cats, built bunk beds for my boys”

Image source: Reddit

10. “When we met 13 years ago he told me, “I’m more of a dog person, really”

Image source: Reddit

Of course, men and cats can be friends, even if they both are very stubborn creatures!