A man found the grumpiest cat ever that was badly injured in the streets of London

We all know Grumpy Cat, right? Well, meet version 2.0. This grumpy kitty is called Saul and was found injured and nearly dead on the streets of London. Saul was found by a man who took him to the RSPCA where he was examined and found to be in pretty poor shape. The vets say he was probably involved in a traffic accident, with a lot of heavy trauma on his tiny head and body.

Although his chances weren’t great, Saul was a fighter. The vets immediately began treating his injuries, and the kitty was doing better every day. He started healing fast and was friendly to everyone in the RSPCA. The only thing the staff aren’t sure about is his face – was he born looking grumpy or is it the result of his injuries? Despite his appearance, Saul is the friendliest and cutest kitty in the world.

The tiny kitten won the hearts of everyone at the shelter. No matter his grumpy face, it’s what’s on the inside that matters. Saul is pretty sweet and loves nothing more than cuddling with the staff all day long.

Once he’s healthy, the staff have no doubt that Saul will find a forever home. They’ve nicknamed him Grumpy Cat 2.0 –that’s sure to attract the attention of many people over social media.

Meet Saul, a kitty that has all the reasons to have such a grumpy face.

It was found aimlessly wandering the streets of London, hurt and in dire need of help.

“He was in a very sorry state … and had discharge coming from his eyes and nose and looked very poorly indeed.”

“He’s recovering really well from his injuries and we hope he will soon be ready to move to our cattery at Southall to find a new home.”

Staff at the hospital are unsure if Saul’s grumpy face is due to his past injuries or just something he was born with.

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