Cat Refuses To Leave London Supermarket No Matter How Many Times He’s Kicked Out

You can take him outside. You can ask him to leave. But he’ll just come back. Stronger. Angrier. Fluffier.

For the past year, a mysterious cat has been surprising shoppers in England, regularly appearing on grocery store shelves despite repeated removal attempts by staff.

The defiant feline was first spotted in the Sainsbury’s supermarket back in November, having already perfected his strange routine of hanging out, getting removed by security, and walking right back in.

Since then, the cat has been kicked out many more times but continues to haunt his favorite store.

“He lives in the house next door and in here every day and all the time, “a Sainsbury’s spokesperson told the Telegraph. “He’s not allowed to be here.”

Thanks to his oddly specific obsession, the cat has become something of an internet celebrity, even winning Time Out London’s Pet of the Week.

To local residents, however, he is just the friendly neighborhood unauthorized shop cat.

“He was flat out on the mat by the door under the heated fans yesterday,” a Sainsbury’s customer wrote on Facebook. “Everyone was stopping to give him a tickle.”

A Cat’s Funny Expression While Falling Off a Sofa; Its Reaction is Priceless When the Owner Didn’t Help

The owner of the cat was initially watching television while being accompanied by his beloved cat on his side.

At that moment, the cat’s funny expression was successfully recorded when the cat suddenly slid down from the armrest of the sofa.

Here are some shots of his funny expression caught on camera.

The cat looked surprised as it fell.

‎”Is my master not going to help?”‎

“I’m not heavy at all, but I fell down!”‎

Yet the cute cat was still trying to refrain from falling and trying to climb up.


His master wasn’t helping him at all because it was funny to see his cat’s expression as he fell. In fact, he managed to take funny photos of his cat in the fall.

Unexpectedly, cats also know how to make sudden facial expressions in desperate times, right? Just like this.

Cats may act like royalty at times, though little do they know that they may be funny to humans with their sudden antics.