Deadly venomous snake noticed by brave dog—Saves his owner from snake attack

An Australian man relaxing on a chair in his backyard did not notice a deadly Eastern brown snake crawling toward him at an alarming speed.

He was on the phone and did not even realize its presence until the venomous creature was right under his chair.

The venomous snake was so close to the man, he could’ve been bitten.

His dog noticed the snake and followed its movements. Once the snake was under the man’s chair, the dog quickly moved to the man’s side.

The dog’s presence alerted the man and he quickly moved away from the snake. He pushed his chair away and immediately brought his dog back into the house.

The snake may look small, but this Eastern brown snake is the second most venomous terrestrial snake in the world, according to Australian Geographic.

It’s scary to think of what could happen if the dog did not notice the snake or wasn’t with the man.

But then again, dogs have amazing senses, and this dog’s senses have made him a hero.