Have You ever Seen these Weird Animals? Incredible Facts You didn’t Know

If you think the animal world is amazing, and you have never seen these animals before – You are going to love this!

There are some unique and fun facts about Animals you probably didn’t know.

1. This is an African black-footed cat.

Despite its adorable looks, it’s a killing machine. Its hunting success rate is 60%, compare to a lion’s 25%


2, This is the Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey.

Unfortunately, it is of the most endangered animals in the world.


3. This Australia marsupial is the Tasmanian devil

It has been very recently reintroduced back to mainland Australia to combat feral cats!


4. This newborn octopus may already be smart as a dog

Octopuses are the smartest invertebrates on Earth


5. The aardwolf is the smallest member of the hyena family and the only insectivore.


6. This is a bongo, a large forest antelope native to western and central Africa.

They experience sexual dimorphism where females, such as this one, have chestnut-colored hide and males have dark brown hides


7. This rare yellow king penguin is hypothesized to be leucistic.

Meaning that it produces less melanin than average. Eyes, however, are not affected by this lack of pigmentation.


8. The long-eared jerboa has ears that are two-thirds as long as its body.


9. The honey possum or noolbenger (Tarsipes rostratus) is the only entirely nectarivorous mammal which is not a bat.


10. This quite rotund fellow, an American Pika, is found in the mountains of western North America, usually in boulder fields at or above the tree line.

They are herbivorous, smaller relatives of rabbits and hares.