If You Can’t Fall Asleep at Night, Try Chili Peppers on Your Feet

Okay check this out: each human foot contains 72,000 nerve endings and 26 bones that help us to stand upright and walk. It also has 250,000 sweat glands that can produce up to half a pint of sweat every day!

Bones in the feet continue to develop and mature until we’re 21 years old. But as we grow older, the circulation in our feet is not as good as it once was, so we may need some help keeping them cozy and warm.

One of the easiest ways to take care of your feet is by using pepper. All peppers contain a component called capsaicin. When you eat something with this ingredient, it increases blood circulation in your body. So, adding chili pepper to your favorite meal is a great natural way to warm your entire body, including your feet. This is also why it’s better to stay away from spicy foods on a hot summer day.

When capsaicin comes in contact with the skin, it causes the blood vessels to dilate. This improves blood flow and provides warmth. The heat gradually increases over time. But in some cases, this warming sensation can happen immediately.

This life hack is especially useful during extreme cold. If you’ve tried a lot of things to keep your feet warm during winter, but none of them have helped, try this one out. Sprinkle chili pepper powder on your feet or into your socks and get it spread across the feet and toes. This simple action can help to improve the quality of your sleep.

Be careful with the amount, though. If you use too much, it might get a little too hot. At first, half a teaspoon per foot should be enough. And then gradually increase the amount until you find what works best for you.

Your feet will definitely thank you for looking after them, but there are a few downsides to covering them with chili pepper. It’ll probably turn your white socks pink and make your feet orange, and your feet will also absorb the smell. If you don’t like the smell of chili, you might want to cover them with a blended garlic mask instead — it will warm your feet and help to heal wounds. (And if by some chance a hairy monster comes by to eat your feet, the smell of garlic and chili pepper might be enough to put them off.)

Milk and honey can be used in another homemade beauty routine for your feet. Put your feet into a bowl with warm water and add one glass of warm milk. Then add 1–2 tablespoons of honey and up to 6 drops of essential oil; lemon, pine, or cypress would be perfect. After half an hour, your feet should feel fantastic and soft.

If you have hardened skin on your feet, you might like this recipe. Take a bowl of warm water, add 2 tablespoons of white clay, 2 tablespoons of liquid soap, and a spoonful of ammonia. Leave your feet inside the bowl for about 20 minutes, and then moisturize them with cream. As a result, the skin will become smoother and more resistant to damage.

Now if you don’t wanna use so many ingredients, try an oatmeal bath. Just pour 1–2 glasses of oats with an equal amount of boiled water and let it steam for about 20 minutes. Next, stir the flakes in a bowl of hot water and put your feet in for up to 20 minutes. Oatmeal should soften the skin and help prepare dry skin for foot file treatment.

Starch can do a similar thing, too, preventing cracks and making your feet softer. Take a bowl of warm water and add 1 large spoon of starch. Put your feet into the bowl for 20 minutes. This treatment is recommended before bedtime because it also helps your body to relax. Ahhhh

The first shoes were invented approximately 40,000 years ago. The oldest known pair was found buried in a cave in Armenia. Despite how long we’ve been working to perfect them, though, we’re yet to design a perfect pair of shoes. To this day, people continue to get corns and calluses from time to time.