Man Spends Weeks on Toy Model – His Cat Destroys It In Second.

Cats can sometimes be mean. We take care of them, but they don’t always give anything back. When cats get in the mood to destroy, they can be very mischievous and angry.

A worker at a Japanese toy store learned this the hard way. He spent weeks building a toy model with lots of plastic blocks, but a cat destroyed it.

The model was Doraemon, a popular character from a Japanese comic.

It was perfect, but the cat ruined it. The man posted pictures online, showing the destroyed model and the cute cat (we have to give credit to the cat).

The man was angry at first and wanted to hurt the cat, but it’s hard to stay mad when you look into those eyes. Because the cat is so cute.

The man forgives his cat after that, and they become friends again.


can you find the hidden snake in this river?

The sneaky snake has perfectly camouflaged itself in the water but it’s easier to spot it than you think.

Can you spot it?

YOU must have the eyes of a hawk if you can find the hidden snake in the river.

Take a look and Give it a try!

At first glance, there are no snakes to be seen in the river however, upon closer look, you may spot a snake camouflaged in it.

If you can not find it check the answer below:





