Rescued piglet and rescued kitten become best friends and it’s totally adorable.

Have you ever imagined your cat and pig becoming best friends one day?

It’s very unlikely, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Jody Fraser, an animal lover, who lives just east of Calgary, shared a story about how her kitten and piglet became friends forever. It’s absolutely adorable!

Last year, She decided to move to the countryside with her two cats, a dog, and a turtle. Not long ago, Fraser added a pig to the mix.

“He’s just the nicest little crazy pig ever and very, very low maintenance,” she said. “I’ve always just loved the pigs. So it’s kind of funny how now I have my own.”

Af of them lived under the same roof so they were pretty close. But the two of them have become especially good buds.

Wilbur the pot-bellied pig, who is now five months old, has become best buds with a new 12-week kitten named Billy, and they are too cute together.

“The two, just right from the beginning, became the best buddies ever. They just love each other. I’m not sure where it came from,” Foster said. . “The pig will clean the kitten, actually, and every once in a while you see the kitten actually cleaning the pig’s ears. So it’s kind of funny.”

And, because the two are so close, she is unsure what to do when the pig grows larger.

“I was only going to keep him in the house because he’s still really little … but I was to put him outside in the spring,” she said.

“I’m hoping that I do decide to still do that, but he’s become part of the family now, so I don’t see him going outside.”