Riddle: Who is The Real Mother of This Child?

If you are looking for a useful and entertaining method to spend some time, then this riddle is the best bet. In fact, we are bringing you a bonus riddle as well.

Recently, the internet has put on its collective thinking cap to figure out a very intriguing riddle. The riddle stems from a simple picture containing three figures. However, since it is based on individual perceptions, the internet struggles to reach a common consensus on the answer. Maybe you can do better?

The Riddle Of The Mother

The main riddle for today is titled “The Mother.” Take a look at the image of the puzzle:

The Mother picture riddle
Image Credits: YouTube

As you can see, it figures three people, all of them inside one room. Two women are sitting on chairs facing each other. In between them, there is one infant, who is seemingly playing without worries with a bunch of toys. The puzzle’s question is simple: Between the two women, who is the infant’s mother?