Stray Cat Shows Up To Comfort Exhausted Nurse On His Break

Flaty, an aspiring nurse, is interning at a hospital in Egypt.

Despite the demanding workload, he perseveres with great determination. During one of his scarce breaks, a stray kitten approached him and settled on his lap, eventually falling asleep.

Flaty was both surprised and touched by the kitten’s trust, considering the mistreatment often faced by strays in Egypt. The kitten seemed to sense Flaty’s need for comfort and stayed with him for 20 minutes before leaving.

This unexpected cuddle session left Flaty feeling better than he had in months.

He considers it the best moment of his year and hopes to see the kitten again during future breaks.


This cat is The little cat dozing off while sitting looks really adorable.

Sometimes, no matter how much you try to stay awake, sleep wins. And when you’re a tiny little kitten, it can lead to some really cute moments. In a super cute video on YouTube, a little kitten is seen trying hard to fight sleep but ends up dozing off while sitting up.

The kitten’s head moves from side to side as its eyes open and close, and it gives the camera a few tired looks. In the background, a happy child laughs and enjoys the adorable sight.

The kitten’s cute scrunched-up face melts our hearts, and we would love to let it take a nap in our arms.

Being a little kitty isn’t easy; the world is so exciting, and you don’t want to waste time sleeping when there’s so much to explore. But as this sweet little one discovered, sometimes a good nap can be the best thing ever.