This Dog Has Visited His Owner’s Grave Every Day Since He Passed Away In 2014

Zozo, a devoted dog, remains loyal to his deceased owner, Smail Ztürk, who unexpectedly passed away in February 2014.

Zozo’s profound grief began two years earlier when his best friend died.

One day, the family discovered Zozo at his human tomb, where he had sought solace.

Since then, Zozo has faithfully visited Smail’s grave every day, accompanied by Zafer Ztürk, Smail’s son. Overwhelmed by sorrow, Zozo sleeps atop the grave, unable to find comfort.

Witnessing this heartbreaking sight, Zafer’s heart aches, but he believes Zozo wouldn’t have it any other way.

The bond between a dog and its owner is truly remarkable, exemplifying why dogs are often considered man’s best friend.


Stray Cat Shows Up To Comfort Exhausted Nurse On His Break

Flaty, an aspiring nurse, is interning at a hospital in Egypt.

Despite the demanding workload, he perseveres with great determination. During one of his scarce breaks, a stray kitten approached him and settled on his lap, eventually falling asleep.

Flaty was both surprised and touched by the kitten’s trust, considering the mistreatment often faced by strays in Egypt. The kitten seemed to sense Flaty’s need for comfort and stayed with him for 20 minutes before leaving.

This unexpected cuddle session left Flaty feeling better than he had in months.

He considers it the best moment of his year and hopes to see the kitten again during future breaks.