This grandpa hugs his beloved kitty after losing everything in a fire, and now they have a safe and warm place

In a devastating fire, 83-year-old Turkish man Ali Meşe lost everything. The heart-wrenching image of him crying with his cat went viral worldwide.

When Meşe tried to turn on the heating, an explosion occurred, engulfing their wooden home. Firefighters arrived just in time to rescue Meşe, his wife, son, and their cat.

Distraught, Meşe clung to his terrified feline for comfort. After receiving treatment for minor injuries, Meşe was reunited with his beloved cat at the hospital.

Turkish Red Crescent delivered a new pet carrier and supplies to help the kitten cope. The family, now homeless, is temporarily staying at their daughter’s house until their new home is built.

The overwhelming support and love touched Meşe and his family deeply.