This Squishy Cat Has The Cutest Derpy Face That Makes Him Go Viral Online

This is Willow, the adorable cat with a unique face that has made him an Internet sensation. After his avoCATo picture went viral, people started calling him avoCATo.

If you’re a fan of both avocados and cats, this post will brighten your day. Scroll down to see the cute pictures!

For those who love Willow, make sure to follow him on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with his latest adventures.


This image has a dog hidden in it. Can you spot her?

If you are someone who loves solving brain teasers, puzzles, and optical illusions, then here is an image that might intrigue you.

Here is a picture of the living room and there is a dog hidden here.

If you’re able to find him, then you may have the eyes of a hawk.

Did you spot him?

If you didn’t, that’s okay.

Try again.

Still no sign of the Dog?

The answer is below.

If you want to see where it is, keep scrolling.

Or if you want to look one more time, now’s your chance to scroll back up.

Ready to see the answer?

Here it is:


