5 Life Lessons I Learned from my Dog.

Here’s what having a dog has taught me.

My dog is easily one of my best friends.

When I watch my dog live her simple life, I often find myself learning from her.

If you’re a dog owner, you can probably relate.

Here are just of few of the things I’ve learned from my dog:

Lesson One is Patience

If you really want something keep going.

Lesson Two is to Live in the Moment

You can’t change the past, and the future is yet to happen so focus on and enjoy the now.

Lesson Three is to Have Balance Between Rest, Play and Work

It is easy to get very tasked focused, especially when there is so much to do! And so little time to do it in. But we are robbing ourselves of the joys of life if we forget to stop and enjoy ourselves.

Lesson Four is to Always Practice Forgiveness

Once it’s been dealt with move on.

Lesson Five is to Offer Love Unconditionally

Never take for granted how much joy you can bring your loved ones just by showing you love them.

Do you have pets? What life lessons have you learned from them?