Confused Cat Tries to Stay on Treadmill After His Human Turns It On.

In this video, we see Lachlainn, an adorable Blue Savannah Bengal cat, who’s just minding his business relaxing on a treadmill when his human decides to turn it on.

The confused feline does everything possible to stay on the machine, but the confounding belt keeps trying to push him off.

We see him hop and walk backward for several seconds, trying to outpace the slow-moving tread.

But eventually, Lachlainn calls it quits and chooses to opt out of this absurd situation in favor of a more agreeable lounging area.

Despite being foiled today, you can bet your bottom dollar Lachlainn will be back on that treadmill in no time once it’s learned to behave.






Cat Plays With the Vacuum Cleaner

Most cats run from vacuum cleaners, but this one appears to thoroughly enjoy licking the suction.