What this kitten saw then copied is guaranteed to melt your heart.

Cutest copycat ever

It shows the adorable moment when a kitty learns how to love.

Video starts with a owner giving her Golden Retriever some strokes and pets.

We then see a tiny kitten watching on. It looks super-interested and curious.

The little copycat stretches out a tiny paw and starts petting the dog. It rubs the dog’s ears, gives his muzzle a stroke, and even attempts to dish out a chin stroke.

This clip is what you’d call peak cuteness.




Cat Helps Struggling Puppy Get Through The Gate

The dog becomes stuck when trying to wiggle its legs and tail through.

The feline tries to pull the pooch through by its arms.



The puppy manages to slide its head through the hole by standing up on its hind legs.

However, its rear legs and tail remain stuck.



So the kitten steps to the side and reaches through another gap, pressing its paw on the puppy’s backside to push it the remainder of the way through.



Finally, the dog scrambles through the hole and wags its tail ferociously as it begins to play with the kitten.