Mother Cat Steals Chicken Bag From Store To Feed Her Hungry Kittens.

Cat steals packet of chicken from store.

A video of a cat stealing a packet of chicken to feed her kittens was shared online. It has made people emotional.

The now-viral video shows a cat laboriously dragging a large orange-coloured packet of chicken across the road.

She takes breaks in between, seemingly finding it difficult to carry it in one go.

The video then transitions to show the mama cat with her kittens.

The cat stole the packet from the supermarket to feed her kittens. Adorable, isn’t it?







A video shows how a cat takes away a dog’s food bowl.

This sneaky little cat burglar decided that they wanted an extra little snack today, and they seized the opportunity to steal some treats from their doggo sibling.

Taking its hidden vantage point from underneath the cabinet, the little thief slowly brings the bowl of food closer while the dog is distracted with food on the floor….and bam!

All of a sudden the dog looks up, the food is gone, and the cat is as happy as, well, a cat that successfully stole some food!